Monday, May 11, 2009

The blessings census

Blessings populate my life, so I'm going to count them. I'm going to determine exactly where they reside and then interview them, profile them, understand them. This list will answer my Sisyphusian "To Do" list with optimism. There will always be housework, weeding, wood splitting, meals to cook and serve, laundry, yes. But the census of blessings reminds me why I do it.

Here is a partial list:
Waking up every day surrounded by forest.
A chance to grow what we eat.
Fresh air.
Clean water.
A magnificent spouse.
Enough of what we need.

I have never lived in a lovelier place that takes so much work. Things are just bigger here. Spaces, chores, garden beds, trees, wood piles. And so is the joy.

Every chore becomes a labor of love with the right intention behind it. The daily grind supports daily blessing. Mundane chores are actually sacred acts, which done frequently enough become a liturgy of loving care. For a bonus, mindfulness in the simple doing brings more blessing. Clean laundry and a heart full of gratitude. No shame in that.

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